Community Sexual Assault Program


If you have been sexually assaulted and need to speak with an advocate, please call the Community Sexual Assault Program 24 hour support line: 1-833-812-1195

The Community Sexual Assault Program provides free and confidential 24-hour crisis response through medical, legal, and general advocacy services and information and referrals. We work in partnership with other agencies in order to support survivors of sexual violence. Survivors of sexual violence have the legal right to have an advocate accompany them through medical exams, police interviews, and all legal proceedings.

The Community Sexual Assault Program provides free and confidential services to all survivors of sexual violence as well as their families. In addition to advocacy services, we also provide specialized therapy services to survivors and their families to assist in healing after sexual assault, and provide therapeutic support groups.

The Community Sexual Assault Program also provides free educational presentations in the community regarding the prevalence of sexual violence, and provide education on services. The Community Sexual Assault Program provides prevention activities as well in order to help eliminate the root causes of sexual violence in our communities.

The Community Sexual Assault Program is always looking for new advisory board members and volunteer advocates. Please call Heather Cochrell for more information at 509-758-3341.

See one of the links below for more information:
